Parent Involvement

Your involvement in your child’s education is key!  I love parent involvement and help in the classroom.  There are many ways you can help out.  Look at the list and help out where you can. 
Remember, you need to fill out a CORI form to visit the classroom.  CORI’s are good for 3 years.   
If you have already filled out a CORI form in the past few years, you do NOT need to fill out a new one. 
Ways to Help:
  • Writer’s Workshop help – come listen to our developing writers and help them with their writing.  Prior to volunteering I will provide interested parents with information explaining how to help our writers.  WW help will be needed beginning in Oct.
  • Crafts – we sometimes do messy crafts (painting, gingerbread houses, etc.) in the afternoon and help is appreciated.
  • Class parties and celebrations – donations of goods and helping setting up is needed.  Notes as to what is needed are sent home several days before the party.  It’s helpful if every parent helps donate materials.
  • Wish list – if you can’t come in, but would still like to help, please check the Wish List.  It takes a lot to make a kindergarten class run smoothly!
Keep an eye out in the newsletters for more ways to help out.  Anything you can do is appreciated!!
If you would be interested in helping out, please let me know.